Wednesday, November 6, 2013

I am what I am...

Have you ever tried to convince yourself that you are something you have never been before?

Well that has been the next piece of this journey. Telling myself that I will be a runner. I am a runner. I want to be a runner.

 Here is an interesting point to make, I have never had any interest in running before. Those of you who have known me from the beginning know I would rather take a leisurely stroll than run.  My brother is the runner in my family. My word he played soccer practically his entire life! I was content playing catcher or right field in softball (slow pitch) or I would put my whole heart into cheering others on.  As long as I never had to run. So this whole challenge of a half marathon is just that, a challenge.

So are you telling me you have never seen anyone strolling along during a marathon? No.
Why? Because marathons are designed for runners or even sort of runners.

So that is what I will be, a sort of runner!  I have started my training this week and thankfully I have only had to do 3 miles on the first and third days of training.  Now I have been walking some of those 3 miles but pushing myself to jog parts of them. At some point over the next 20 weeks I will work up to running. It will be a challenge simply because of my size but that will change over the next 20 weeks which us good to know.

At this point I have lost over 50 pounds. Which in itself is a big piece as to why I can easily walk/jog 3 miles. When I first started this journey I was glad to get around my building. But all of those small steps are leading to big steps in March.

So I am going to put this out there. If you are in the Dallas area on March 23 and would like to cheer me on, I would love the support!!

Enjoy the journey.

(I might post a pic soon)

1 comment:

Elizabeth (and Dan) said...

I wish I were going to be in Dallas to cheer you on! If they have live tracker I will cheer you on virtually! I can't wait to see your victory pics at the end of the race!